Impetus for homeschooling

Our current, standardized schooling system is unfortunately suitable only for a few. The vast majority of students find themselves left behind, disinterested or disengaged. For those who fall by the wayside, it then becomes a journey of boredom, frustration or a disappointing game of ‘catch-up’ with reality today for many children. The result, as clearly evident in our society, is that generations of people who have gone through the motions of learning but have wound up at a dead end – never discovering their passions or strengths, and never recognizing their personal areas of excellence. That list would include most of us, by the way.

Who Benefits from Home Schooling?

In offering a healthy alternative to our standardised schools, homeschools are steadily making their way forward. Besides the many advantages of personalising education, children learning through a homeschooling co-operative model are not benchmarked against each other. Besides, they are not subjected to problems associated with peer pressure, bullying and criticism, which are part of a toxic school environment. Such issues typically result in low self-esteem, poor performance and anxiety.

Advantages of Homeschooling

Personalised Learning

One-on-one focus

A wealth of learning

Learning style

Creative teaching methods

Learning in a faster pace

Authentic Learning

Strong Goal Setting

Love Learning

Why a Homeschooling Co-operative?

We at Life Hub go a step further, by providing children with the opportunity to learn through a homeschooling co-operative. This approach combines all the advantages of homeschooling co-operative, with the added benefit of learning in a group atmosphere. Learn more about how children will benefit from Life Hub, a Homeschooling Co-operative.

Socialisation is possible

Socialisation is accessable. Children have the opportunity to interact as they learn along with children of varying ages and skill levels.

Organised Team Activities

Ample chances are there for organised team activities. Therefore the child benefits from team sports and group activities.

Healthy Mentor to Children Ratio

Healthy mentor to children ratio. The small groups of a homeschooling co-operative provide children with the kind of personal attention that is not available in large classrooms.

Minimal Parental responsibility

Parent is not burdened with the direct responsibility of being the academic teacher of the child. Please note, parental involvement is absolutely essential to the success of this system.